If there is significant usage of java inside the message broker solution, then conduct several performance tests to determine JVM maximum heap size. 如果在MessageBroker解决方案中大量使用了Java,则请执行多个性能测试来确定JVM最大堆大小。
There are now several domestic Chinese funds that have reached$ 1bn-$ 2bn in size focused entirely on trading and arbitraging the price differences between commodities such as copper inside and outside China, according to one Hong Kong-based commodities broker. 一家香港大宗商品经纪商的数据显示,目前有数只规模达10亿至20亿美元的中国本土基金将重点完全放在铜等大宗商品的交易及国内外价差的套利上。
A channel serves as a logical connection inside of the network connection to the message broker. 这个通道是消息协商器的网络连接中的一个逻辑连接。